Can't write much but today is Toby's birthday. He woud have been 2 years old. This is a pretty crummy way to spend it but hopefully they will fix me soon and I can at least sit upright and handle the car ride to the cemtery. I am very impressed with the way the doctors have been treating me and the hospital staff have been great. When I am able, I will write more about his birthday. I miss him very much.
With love, remembering Toby on his birthday xx
Thinking about you and of course Toby....lots of love and memories for you and your family today.
Oh Rebecca- I am sure its hard to be in the hospital on Tobys birthday. Thinking of you both today!
Oh Rebecca Im sorry having to remember how big your baby will have been today and been at the hospital. It has to be heartbreaking. I'm glad the doctors and the staff are been so good. Today it marks 5 months since my baby die. Every month from the 4 to the 6th im a mess. But definitely thinking of you and Toby.
Thank you, ladies, for the comments. It was a rough day. Pete finds his birthday harder than the anniversary of his death. We were later able to make a cake with the kids, though, and decorate his grave. I felt like he was there with me in the hospital, too.
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